ACELEADER Classic Enrichment 经典强化课程(LEVEL 4)词汇表

ACELEADER Classic Enrichment 经典强化课程(LEVEL 4)词汇表
tail spacecraft solar wind refine radical planetary orbit nucleus nebulae modify manned mission lifesaver launch interfere infrared exploration digital composition coma colonize chemical composition check-in botany astonishing amateur acceleration tuition syllabus scholarship review requirement psychology lodge kinesthetic instruction geology enroll emphasize elementary school demonstration deadline curious butler auditory apply steep speculation speculate skeleton shamanism search rumple rob remains prehistoric mystery mosasaur mortal monster kidnap investigate handprint geometric fragile fossil figure out evidence dinosaur decode charcoal balloon alligator toxic tingle thunderstorm sword sting solid scratch sashimi samurai poison pharmacy liquid injure flame Fire Department exotic exception edible oil edible delicacy bite bacteria trophy superior steer sportsmanship rump regulation ranch precision possible outcome perfectionist outcome opponent Open Championship motivate mate mandrill loser introvert horn extrovert expectation eternity dominant coach cheat championship bull brutal behavior badminton attitude athlete associate assign anthropology anthropologist annoyed vehicle utmost traffic congestion tourist destination to the utmost terminal substance stretch rickshaw puller poverty lane imperial hybrid rice hybrid gasoline freight fast lane efficient dispatch destination delivery congestion commission authority at a stretch ambulance admit underprivileged straw stained glass sculpture primitive poem ochre institute graffiti express ethnic diversity depict craft clay clan brass aboriginal survival rate survival supply situation shelter restore reserve purify prohibit preservation participant panic meerkat instructor injury habitation fantastic extinct evacuate enthusiast endure endangered emergency ecosystem drown current situation cope confidence canyon brush bruise ban altitude withdraw transmit souk savings receipt pressure owe mansion lottery jackpot income in debt hit the jackpot financial crisis financial expense deposit debt cash budget bargain avoid apricot alley account typhoon temperature sustainable species source sanctuary retreat recreation pump oil invasive increase hurricane greenhouse effect glacier