BEC 中高级词汇精选词汇表

BEC 中高级词汇精选词汇表
credit rating consumer durables ad blue-collar service actual response labour fail-safe system backhander holding company quality control working conditions open shop interview return on investment superior labour market seasonal discount preference shares off-the-shelf stress franchise owe marketing mix rank soft-sell awareness qualify rework recession gross margin manufacturing industry negotiate financial prospectus deadline company debtor segmentation hype direct selling credit control venue candidate exhibit supply recognise equity capital impact ratio line process junk bonds accounts receivable in the black acknowledge maintenance loyalty segment potential advertisement production schedule absent arrears sector fluctuate motive partnership plough back production cycle task infringe portfolio set up conglomerate scare market unearned income direct manpower resources follow-up fixed costs invest notice rent default facilities layout saturation overdraw purchaser allocate receive deduct penetration questionnaire shop steward commercialise liquid guarantee wage freeze orientation crisis wind up stockbroker unemployment hire purchase petty cash warehouse endorse Total Quality Control return balance offer shift invoice appeal master production schedule negotiable orient mortgage settle profile profit curriculum vitae costing drive capital semi-skilled value-added write-off wholesale software base circulate trend labour relations trading profit subsidiary chain gearing reject field welfare overpay monopoly acquisition retire decrease label sick pay stock spokesman flier royalty consortium transformation agenda firm settlement acting value added tax bank statement stable franchiser earned income inflation slogan mobility sick leave industrial action buyout mass media launch license letter of credit backlog display pipeline division withdrawal tax Quality Circle round trip post lead corporation tax spread life cycle tax allowance radically arbitrage quality round dramatic assemble valuation retailer absenteeism relief red expense account interviewee take on investor senior management refund scapegoat inflate lose depressing redundancy canvass receiver cash item apply part-time throughput current asset treasury result feedback credit limit adj dealer project sick assembly-line interim strategy overtime overheads lessee bear market manager indirect costs assess contribute brand leader accountant market segmentation balance of payments recruitment product sales force competitive director recoup frozen asset