筛选结果 共找出17

根据下面所提供的案例。写出相应的备忘录。You manage the personnel division for a large investment counseling service in your city.The company has three branch offices in addition to the main office in which you work.When you were closing the office yesterday,you noticed a stack of confidential contracts lying atop a work table.When you picked them up to put them away,you also n。ticcd three employee information files on the table as well.The next day,you ask the supervisor who did it.She doesn’t know,Then you call the suDervisors at the three branch offices and learn that they have had the same problem you’re having.You decide to write a form memorandum to all personnel employees.Remind them of the need to secure all confidential files before leaving work each day.Also,remind them of the procedure to follow in securing confidential files.参考译文:你管理你所在的城市里一家大的投资咨询公司的人事处。该公司除了你工作的总办公室外,还有三家分办公室。当你昨天关闭办公室时,你注意到一大堆机密合同摆在一张工作台上。当你拿起这些合同放好时,也注意到桌上有三份雇员情况文件。第二天你问办公室主任是谁干的,她也不知道。然后你给三个分办公室的主任打电话,了解到他们也碰到过你碰到的问题。你决定给人事处所有雇员写一份统一形式备忘录。提醒他们每天下班前必须把所有机密文件放妥。同时也提醒他们放置机密文件的步骤。

根据下面所提供的案例,写出相应的备忘录。You are a chemist with Robertson pharmaceuticals Company,amanufacturer of prescription drugs.You are now developing a new drug that will relieve asthma symptoms.The drug works best in time released capsule form,and the granules of the active ingredient must be coated in zilfin.Zilfin is sticky when wet,and you do not know whether the production department can manufacture the drug in that state.Write a memorandum to the production manager asking her assistance in preparing,sample capsules of the product in your laboratory.The objective is to determine whether your manufacturing design will work.Enclose a drawing of your design.Address Lily Tao,Manager,production Department,18 Bridges Lane Building.参考译文:你是罗伯逊药品公司的化学师。该公司生产凭处方供应的药品。你现在正在研制一种能缓解气喘病症状的新药。这种药品以定时释放的胶囊形式起最佳效用。而速效成分的颗粒必须包装在Zilfin外衣内。在潮湿状态时,Zilfin呈胶粘状,而你不知道生产部能否在那种状态下生产这种药品。给生产经理写一份备忘录,请她帮助在你的实验室里准备该产品的样品胶囊。你的目的就是看你的生产设计能否奏效。在备忘录里附上一份你的设计草图。

根据下面所提供的案例,写出相应的备忘录You are traffic control nlanager for Birdland industries.an importer of retail merchandise.You provide free parking spaces in company owned lots for employees,who work in 8-hour shifts in a 24 hour operation.Each employee is given a parking sticker with instructions to display it on the left rear bumper 0f his or her car.Any violation of this rule carries a $25 penalty.Yesterday.you walked through two parking lots and counted 15 cars with bumper stickers displayed on the right rear bumper.Yet the members of your traffic control fotee have issued no tickets for such a violation for two months.Write a form memorandum to be routed to each of the 1 5 members of your traffic control force.Tell them to begin issuing tickets for this violation on Monday morning at 8 o’clock.参考译文:你是博得兰工业公司的交通控制员。该公司进几零售商品。你在公司拥有的停车场里给雇员们提供免费停车位子。他们在24小时作业中轮流倒8小时的班。每位雇员都发了一张停车标贴,并要按指示把它贴在车后左边保险杠上。违反这条规定者罚款25美元。昨天你步行穿过两个停车场,数了有15辆车把标贴贴在车后保险杠右边。然而你的交通管理队员有两个月并未给犯规者开罚款单。写一份统一形式的备忘录给交通管理队的15位队员,每人一份。告诉他们从星期一早晨8点开始给违章者开罚款单。

根据下面所提供的案例,写出相应的备忘录。You are production manager in an office furniture factory.Yesterday.you received a memorandum from the marketing manager asking that you manufacture 475 Scepter desk chairs for next month’s promotional sale.Your stock of the special aluminum alloy needed to make the chairs is depleted,a new supply will arrive in three months.Write a memorandum explaining the situation.Offer to make the chairs from steel alloy stock that you do have in inventory Address:J.Terence Landry,Marketing Manager,Suite 45 A,Main Building.参考译文:你是一家办公室家具工厂的生产经理。昨天你收到了营销经理的一份备忘录,请求你生产475把“权杖”牌办公椅准备给下个月的促销会用。生产椅子要用的特殊铝合金存货已经用完。新的铝合金供货要三个月后才能到。写一份备忘录解释这个情形。提议用你的存货中还有的钢合金来造椅子。

根据下面所提供的案例,写出相应的备忘录。As president of an automobile parts manufacturer,you received a memorandum today from an assembly—line employee.Last month,she tore her work uniform on a piece of equipment on the assembly line.She asked her supervisor to pay for a replacement.The supervisor refused,saying that the equipment is safe and that the tear must have been caused by carelessness.Write a memorandum to the employee telling her that the authority to make such a decision has been delegated to her supervisor.However.you will ask one nf the vice presidents to discuss the incident with her supervisor.Address:Laura P.Zeigler,Bearings Assembly Room.参考译文:你是一家汽车零件制造厂的总经理。今天你收到了一位装配线雇员的备忘录。她上个月在装配线上的一件设备上挂破了她的工作服。她要求她的工段主任付钱买件新的工作服。主任拒绝了,他说设备是安全的,撕破衣服是她自己不小心。给这位雇员写一份备忘录,告诉她在这件事上的决策权下放给了她的主任。然而你会要求一位副总经理跟她的主任讨论这件事。

根据下面所提供的案例。写出相应的备忘录。You work as a senior internal auditor at Drexler Industrics in Madison,Wisconsin.As a part of your job,you often write reports to upperqevel managers.Most of these reports contain statistical data.To help you prepare more effective tables and figures for thesc reports.you want to attend a computer graphics seminar that will be held in Houston,Texas.The seminar is entitled“Applying Computer Graph ics to Accounting Problems.”Write a memorandum to your supervisor asking her to give you the time off from work to attend the seminar and to grant permission for reimbursement of your expenses.Address:Amy D.Lowe,Vice President;400 Statler Wing;Masters Building.参考泽文:你是威斯康星州麦迪逊市德雷克斯勒工业公司的内部高级审计员。你工作的一部分就是给高层经理们写报告。大部分报告都含有统计数据。为了帮助你自己给这些报告准备更有效的表格和数字,你想参加即将在得克萨斯州修斯顿市举行的电脑图象研讨班。该研讨班名为“电脑图象应用于会计问题”。写一份备忘录给你的主任,请求她给你脱产时间参加该研讨班并批准报销你的开支。

根据下面所提供的案例。写出相应的备忘录。You recently received a circular announcing a two day workshop on data processing for modern management to be held a month from now at the Century Plaza Hotel in Manchester.The programme looks interesting to you because you are becoming more and more involved in data processing,particularly computer programming and systems analysis.You would like to go,but you must get the permission of your boss,Mr.Jackmn.Write a memo to him tO present your reasons for attending this workshop and request his permission.Address:Ronald Jackmn,Vice President,Room 234,Main Building.参考译文:你最近收到了一份通告,宣告一个月后在曼彻斯特的世纪大厦将举行一个为时两天的现代管理数据处理研讨班。这项计划在你看来很有意义,因为你越来越多地卷入进数据处理,尤其是电脑编程和系统分析。你想去参加,但必须得到你老板杰克逊先生的允许。给他写一份备忘录,提出你参加这个研讨班的理由并请求他批准。

根据下面所提供的案例,写出相应的备忘录You are office supervisor of a large company.Your company has installed a large number of photocopiers in its offices.This has facibtated the duplication of documents However,you have found that quite a few employees use the machines for perssonal documents.Also,because many people don’t know how to operate the photocopiers properly,breakdowns and waste of photocopying paper are on the rise.Write a memo to all office clerks establishing a clear policy concerning the use of photocopiers in your company’s office.参考译文:你是一家大公司的办公室主管,你们公司最近在各办公室里安装了大量复印机。这使得复制文件很便利。然而,你发现很多雇员用复印机来复制私人文件。此外,由于许多人不知道怎样正确地使用复印机,出故障的次数和复印纸的浪费也在增长。给所有办公室的职员写一份备忘录,确市使用公司办公室复印机的一项明确政策。

根据下面所提供的案例,写出相应的备忘录。You work for a large paper manufacturer as personnel director.One morning,an employee came into your office and asked for information about another employee who wants to buy a sailboat from him.He wants to know if the other employee can afford to pay for the sailboat and asks about the man’s income.You tell him that the information is confidential and refuse to disclose it.This week.you received amemorandum from the same employee making the same request.Write the man telling him once again that the information is confidential.Address:Percy Hamberg.Shift A;Morrison Building.参考译文:你在一家大造纸厂当人事经理。 一天早晨, 一位雇员走进你的办公室打听另一位雇员的情况。那位雇员想买他的帆船。他想了解那位雇员是否买得起,因此打听那个人的收入情况。你告诉他这是保密的情况,拒绝泄露。本周你收到了这同一位雇员的备忘录,再次请求信息。给这个人写备忘录,再次告诉他这是保密信息。

根据下面所提供的案例。写出相应的备忘录。You work as a marketing representative for a data processing yendor in Birmingham,Alabama.You are about to try to make a 1arge sale to a local company that you have visited several times already.You believe that if a systems engineer from the Chicago office would come to Birmingham and accompany you on the next visit to the firm,you could make the sale.This is an unusual practice.but this is a special situation.Write a memorandum to the sales manager in the Chicago office making the request.Address:Alexander Hallman,Sales Manager,Computer-X Company,49999 Wacker Drive,Chicago,Illinois 66674.参考译文:你为亚拉巴马州伯明翰市一家数据处理商当营销代表。你拜访过当地一家公司数次,并即将尝试销售一大笔货物给该公司。你相信如果芝加哥办事处能来一位系统工程师跟你下次一起去该公司推销,你就能做成这笔买卖。这不是通常做法,但是这次情况特殊。给芝加哥办事处的销售经理写一份备忘录,请求他派人来。