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假设你刚刚得知你一直与之做进口生意的约翰·史密斯先生(Mr.John Smith)被提升为ABC贸易公司副总经理(DeputyManaging Director)。代表进口部给他写一封信表示祝贺。

下面是一封感谢款待的信,请仔细阅读并纠正其中的错误(共有13处错误)。Dear Mr Harrison:  I wish to express you our deepest appreciation for the warm hospitality you extended US during our visit in the US Every aspect of the visit went smooth and WaS excited experences.The accommodation and assistance provide by you and your colleagues were excellent The warm and friendship offered to my delegation was wonderful and reinforce my conviction and desire to continue to develop stronger tie between our two companies.  We are particularly grateful to all the time and effort you took to make our stay SO enjoyable,and will cherish the memories of our trip and the time we have together  Once again,our deepest thank and best wishes for success.  Sincerely yours,

在下列各句中都有一个词被省略,请将它补上。1.Representative Mailer made more calls last month than any salesperson2.Don’t try to do everything yourself Make Sure that the subordinate is competent enough to carry the task.3.We should rush this order immediately and that one can be dealt later.4.This$120 table is aS good,if not better than,the$150 one.5.As the buyer is the Someone whom we have little knowledge.I suggest that we insist on cash payment.6.1 would like tO apply the position of account clerk with your company.7.The faxes have been sent and the letter of credit opened.

假设你今天早上得知你的一个长期客户,Mr.Hal Franks上周末在一场车祸中丧生,请给对方公司写一封吊唁信表示慰问和怀念之情。此信应包括以下内容:  1)表达你得知这一不幸消息的震惊:  2)提及你与此客户有多年的良好交往:  3)因他是你的长期客户,所以他的逝世会给双方公司的业务往来带来损失:  4)表达肘死者的缅怀之情;  5)向死者家属表示慰问。  (注:因此信是写给对方公司的,所以收信人应为公司负责人,比如:总经理或总裁。)

根据意思将A、B两栏中的句进行匹配。ColumnA1.The past year has been an excellent one for us and we realize how much you have Contributed to our Success.2 I am delighted that you have been elected President of the Los Angles Chamber of Commerce.3.We are all delighted to know that you are making progress and we can expect to see you fit and well very soon.4.We have been in busineNs just one year.It has been atruly suecessful year thanks to you and to many good customers like you.5.Your speech was most interesting and enjoyable and I know that our membe~will remember it for alongtime.Column Ba.For this reason,we want you all to join in our celebration on Marchl.b.Please accept our sincere thanks and deep appreciation.e.May our best wishes help to speed you on towards complete recoveryd.In fact there already have been requests that you be asked to make a return visite.With you at the helm,we can expect a very lively year and I 100k forward to serving under you.

用动词的适当形式填空。1.This morning all the samples______(lay)on the floor for eomparison.2.When your account______(pay)in full,we will,send all your orders immediately.3.I'he faxes should______(file),not______(1eave)on the desk.14.______(Attach)to this letter you will find our new pamphlet______(show)the latest styles that can______(supply)5.I request that you______(advise)me of your plan at an early date.