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将下面的信息填入表格式月度缺勤报告内:1) Brown James Oliver;ID No.857512)ABC Manufacturing Plant3)May 1—30.19924)Full—time employee5)Absent onMarch 66)Worked 8 hours a day.5 days aweek7) May 1 is the International Labor’s dayMoNTHLY ABSENTEE REPORTName of Employee_________________________________________________last First MiddleID No.____________________________________________________________Attendance fromTime:口Full 口PartINSTRUCTIONSWrite under each day of the month the nuruber of hours attended or absent that day.X—out Saturdays and Sundays.Write C for each day plant is officially closed.

  用下面所提供的信息写一份实地考察报告:  What is thesnbject to be reported?  inspection of communication site at Pensacola  Forwhom is the report intended?  Cole—Myers Electric Company  HOW will the report be used?  to determine efficiency of present operation  Site Visited:communication site at Pensacola  Purpose of Visit:to inspect power supply,equipment room,and control room  Background Information:inspection requested by the letter of October 31,1992;  report written on November 28,1992  Facts,Details,and Results of the Investigation:transformers operat ing at peak operating condition;automatic switchover equipment working properly;converter equipment output has less than 3% distortion;no major outage since 0ctober 2,1987;muhiplex equipment adequate;one branch operating on auxiliary power with no backup;tO be corrected by the end of November;control room well supervised and efficiently operated  Conclusions and Recommendations: communication site at Pensacola one of the best in the area;personnel satisfied.sum of average outages:30 min.per week.

用所提供的信息起草一份阶段性报告:Mr.Martin Overloop,Sales Representative,writes a weekly sales report(ending August 15)to Smith Silverton,Sales Manager Below are the sales data of different stores:Jewelry stores had 15 calls,made 18 sales,and.sold$5 400;Clothing stores 14/15/5022;Specialtv shops 13/9/4612;Record stores 70/4/1400;Hardware stores 55/3/1252;Miscellaneous small businesses 45/3/1106.

根据下列中文信息,起草一份建议报告:1)此报告就是否购买凯乐格公司(Kellogg Company)股票提出个人建议供有关人员进行投资决策时参考;2)凯乐格公司是一家从事食品生意在国内市场居领先地位的跨国公司,现正在开发新产品以满足各种不同的营养需求和不同的顾客个人爱好;3)该公司现拥有42%的市场份额,并仍在通过广告攻势扩大市场分额;4)尽管公司仍以谷类食物为主,但正谨慎地实施着产品多样化的计划,包括冷冻食品;5)19××年公司的销售额增长了约16%,达45亿美元,而上一年则为37.8亿美元,这已是连续36年的销售增长。利润增长了约14%。达到3.48亿美元,而前一年为2.89亿美元;6)由此可见,公司的财政状况是非常好的,销售额和利润均多年连续增长;购买该公司的股票将是十分明智的投资决策。

根据下面所提供的信息。起草一份建议报告:1)Situations:You work at the Paris branch of Ryder Wholesale Medical Supplies Ltd.Your office manager is Jules Laval.“Several companies today offer incentives--usually financial rewards—to members of staff who come up with money—saving ideas or ways to improve work practice.”says Jules Laval.“I was wondering if any of our workers would be interested in such a scheme.Would you speak to a sample of them about it and find out their opinions and then write a report for me?Any information or suggetions about this proposed scheme would be welcome”2)0ther information:(1)Report date:August 14,1994(2)Report about proposed incentives to staff for money—saving ideas and improving work practices(3)Questioned samples of workers to ask for their opinions and found thatmost thought incentive scheme was a good ideamost preferred financial rewardsome suggested time off insteada few thought this was management area(4)The scheme should be introduced

根据下列报告的前半部分,续出其建议部分:The purpose of this report is to propose constructing a tutoring center in the 0ffice of Student Affaim.BACKGROUNDUnder the present system,student tutors must WOrk with students in a number of faeilities scattered across the university campus This situation causes a number of problems,including a lack of contact among tutors and the inability of tutors to get immediate help with problems if they need it.As a result,tutors waste a lot of time running from one facility to another--and often miss appointments.Most tutors agree that the present system is unwieldy and inefficient.NEW FACILITYI propose that we build a tutoring room adjacent to the office of Student Affairs.The tWO empty classrooms adjacent t0 the office.presently used for storage of office furniture,would be ideal for thisuse.Incurring a minimum of expense and using maintenance workers,the university could convert these rooms into ten small offices.We could furnish these offices with the desks and file cabinets already stored In these room.BENEFITSThe benefits of this facility would be the centralizing of the tutoring service and the proximity of the facility to the 0ffiee of Student Affairs The tutoring facility could als0 use the secretarial services of the Office of Student Affairs,ensuring the student tutors get messages from the students with whom they workRECOMMENDATIONS

  找出下面短文中的十个错误:  Work Accomplished  On September 29,1993,I met with Lt.Seve Harmon who gives me a tour of the Police Depar-tment and introduced me to Jill Nevens, Supervisor Records Burea-u Lt Harmon also supplied me blank copies of the various report f-orms and his Records Manual On why tO complete those forms.On Aug-ust 11,1993,I talked with Mrs Nevens about what activities were performed in  the Records Bureau and read over a few completed reports.The nex-t day.October 12,I met again with Lt.Harmon to discuss my conversation with Mrs.Ne-vens.After speaking with Lt.Harmon.IwenttoCityHall and briefly sp-okewithMrs.JeanneHayden,Human Resources Administrator.Mrs.Hayden has just completed a sim-ilar study and Was able to give me a sheet of her report.  I have also designed a 17 item questionnaire which was tested be—fore distribution at Walsh College.I distributed 15 questions on  October 22,1993 Ten questionnaires were sent to the elerks in the Records Bu-reau,three to the secretaries in the Deteetive Bureau and two to the P olice Patrol Division Twelve of those questionnaires have been returned and are in the processing of being tallied.

根据所学的知识改写下面这封推销信:Dear Customer:  Will you please take a few seconds to go through this letter?It de scribes an excellent proposition we are sure you will not want t。miss.  We want you to be aware of the handbook PROFESSOR WINDOW95 which is a wonderful book we have teeently published and is worth your money.  This handbook is a masterpiece composed by SO many experts who have used the Word Processing System for so many years.It call be claimed that it is the superior ode It has got many questions and answers to typical problems caused in using systems.Once you have one,we are sure that all your problems will be over.What is more,both explanations in English and Chinese will offer you a perfect word processing whether you speak Chinese or English  The subscription price is only RMBY 17.89,iust about two dollars,which definitely COSTS nothing to you.  Enclosed is a subscription form Please return it with the number of the copies you need by the end of April.  Faithfully yours,

选择最佳的句子,使划线的陈腐语变成合适的说法:1)The accountants’audit told the same old storya)The accountants’audit revealed a similar situationb)The accountants’audit sang the same old tunec)The accountants’audit included the new info mlation.2)The people in the personnel department are beating their heads against the wall.a)The people in the personnd department are making new decisions.b)The people in the personnel department are fighting with one another.c)The people in the personnel department are frustrated.3) When our competitors see this,they will realize we have a tiger by the tail.a)When our competitors see this,they will see that they need to get on the stick.b) When our competitors see this,they will realize our product is hard to matchc)When our competitors see this,they will be worried.4)We must beat them at their own game:price cutting·a)We must outdo them with their own tactic:price cutting·b)Wc must show them who’S boss by cutting prices.C)We must challenge them by price cutting.5) The research team reported they had gone up another blind alley.a)The research team reported a breakthroughb) The research team reported the results of another expensive experiment.c)The research team reported another unsuccessful experiment.

用下面所列的要点以及所给的短语,写一封推销名称为THEGLOBE周刊的信件:内容要点:1)a precious chance to know the world well2)special subscription for only$1.50 each while$3.25 at a newsagent’s or$2.85 at the regular subscription rate;3)value of the magazine itself:to follow what is going on in the world today;4)an objective,clear and lively style in writing;5)an urge to complete the enclosed form and the first two issues to be given as a gift,常用短语表达方法:an excellent chance t0 know THE GLOBEbring you news from all over the world every weekthis special offer brings you THE GLOBE for only$1.50 while the magazine costs...the longer you subscribe,the more you can savebut best of all is what you get for your money--value of the magazine itselfhow important for us to follow the events taking place around the worldget more OUt of THE GLOBE than other magazines of this kindoffer news in all areas of human concern and special reports for the more complex issuesan objective,clear and lively style that is always inviting to readmake sense to subscribe now before our special introductory rates are overduecomplete the enclosed form and send it to us in the prepaid addressed envelope providedsend you the first two issues as a free gift