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下面是命题的一个典型例子。阅读该短文并完成表格内的相应的练习内容。Private Telephone CallsManagement is concerned at the increasing use of company telephones for private calls by staff.There has been a large increase in the nmnber of local calls made by staff,as registered‘during a recent check.Secondly.there has been a 22%increase in company telephone bills this year(allowing fod price rises).This increase in costs is not the result,as our recent survey has shown,of business growth or changes in business communication.Finally complained that our lines are frequently busy.Staff are reminded that there are public pay phones’in the building for private calls.

将下面这几个段落重新按正确的顺序排列,并指出顺序排列的方法:1)By the end of the 19th century a majority of Americans were living in urban areas,and the family was very much influenced by the rapid development of industrialization.With the arrival of immigrants,the family pattern became varied.2)The major change in the family in this century has been due to married women entering the workforce.This,at least for periods of time.has taken the woman out of the fulbtime involvement in the home.3)Many changes have occurred in the American family.In the late 18th century almost 63 percent of all persons lived in the households of five or more people and women usually slayed at home looking after children and doing chores.4)In the 20th century.the ideal American family consisted of a husband and wife living with dependent children.They lived in a household of their own provided for by the husband’S earnings.The wife was responsible for emotional maintenance of the marriage and for raising the children and running the household.

阅读下面的短文并完成相关的表格。The Berta is a very economical photocopier with very low service requirements.We can safely say that it has the copying facilities of much larger machines.Yet it is compact,lightweight and extremely stylish.For example,it weighs only 22kg and its overall dimensions are 74×43×21 cm.There are no sheet handling problems with the machine because the paper is loaded in cassettes of 100 sheets.The time for the first copy is only 11.4 seconds.All in all.the Berta is a reliable machine and good value/or money.

在下列句子的空格内选择并填入一个适当的词或短语。as well as,in addition to,furthermore,moreover,besides also, similarly1.My brother was taught to read by my mother,and_______,so was I.2._______advertising,the Marketing Manager is in charge of many other promotional activities.3.I was quite well thought of by the others,I tried_______to do my work to the best of my ability.4.Their full political rights,_______their economic conditions,must be safeguarded,5.being wrong your proposed action is_______unwise.6._______,he felt that on the subject of international trade he was not really an authority.

阅读下面两篇短文并分别完成表格内的内容。The company certainly has a problem with staff attendance at special training courses.This is particularly true for the supervisors’afternoon college courses.The college reported as little as 30%atten一 dance on some courses.I think there are a number of reasons for this situation.First of all,I have the feeling that the course is not made interesting or relevant for our staff.Secondly,the timing of the course on Friday afernoon is not suitable because the trainees are tired at the end of the week.A further point is the distance of the college from the factory.It is nearly one hour’s journey.And finally,it is my view that many of the supervisors attending these courses are not suitable for them.The wo r1(is too hard for them.

现根据下面公司机构图提供的信息完成下列句子1)The Finance Department_______by the Finance Director.2)It_______three sections.3)_______the monthly accounts,the Accounts section shares respon sibility for the annual report.4)The Budgeting section_______four members of staff.5)They are responsible_______for forecasts_______for the annual report.6)The Salaries section_______which ten staff deals with salary and wage payments.7)_______these payments,it_______has responsibility for tax and pension and health schemes.